BJJ GI Size Charts and Selecting the Right Gi

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A BJJ Gi Size Guide For Every Popular Brand

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Are you looking for the right BJJ Gi size chart? For your convenience, we have cataloged several charts, including the most popular gi brands. Check out the table of contents to quickly navigate to the brand of your liking, and take a closer look!


Sanbul Men's Gi Size Chart

Sanbul Men's BJJ Gi Size Chart

Sanbul Women's Gi Size Chart

Sanbul Women's BJJ Gi Size Chart

Fuji Brand Size Guide

Fuji BJJ Gi Size Chart

Inverted Gear Size Guide

Inverted Gear BJJ gi Size Chart

Hyperfly Size Guide

Hyperfly Adult Gi Size Chart

Hyperfly Men's Gi Sizing Chart

Hyperfly Female Slim Cut Gi Chart

Hyperfly Womens Gi chart

Hyperfly Jacket Size Chart

Hyperfly BJJ Gi Size Chart

Hyperfly Size Chart by Height and Weight

Hyperfly 2 BJJ Gi Size Chart

Gameness Size Guide

Men's Jacket Size Chart

Gameness BJJ Gi Size Chart

Female Pearl and Air Pro Gi Size Chart

Gameness Female Pearl amd air pro bjj gi size chart

Gameness Youth BJJ Size Chart

Gameness Youth BJJ Gi Chart

Gameness BJJ Belt Chart

Gameness Belt Chart

Introduction to BJJ Size Charts

Why use a BJJ Gi Size chart?

One crucial aspect of BJJ is wearing the right sized gi, BJJ Gi manufacturers typically provide a bjj gi size chart so that the customer can more easily select a correctly fitting kimono. 

The Gi consists of a jacket, pants, and belt. It is not only a uniform but also a functional tool in BJJ training. The gi provides grip for various techniques which adds an element of strategy to the sport. However, wearing an ill-fitting gi can have a significant impact on performance, comfort, and even safety during training or competitions. In this article, I will point out the importance of using a BJJ Gi Size Chart to fit yourself, as well as guide you through the process of selecting the right Gi For you. Keep in mind, Kid’s and Women’s sizing is slightly different. Take a look at our guides for help. 

How to Read a BJJ Gi Size Chart, a step by step guide

Although some sizes are more common than others, a “one size fits all” approach is a mistake. Understanding how to read a BJJ GI size chart is crucial in selecting the right gi that fits well and enhances your performance on the mat. Here are the key steps to effectively interpret a BJJ GI size chart:

Step 1: Find The Proper Chart

It is important that you find the size chart provided by the brand or retailer for the specific BJJ GI you are interested in purchasing. A link to size charts can typically be found on the product page or in the product description. Here is an example below:

Step 2: Identify Size Categories

BJJ GI size charts usually feature different size categories, such as A0, A1, A2, etc. Each category represents a specific range of measurements, typically based on height and weight. Using Fuji as an example, we can see the size categories listed below:

Step 3: Identify Sizing Parameters

Pay attention to the sizing parameters used in the chart. They may include height, weight, and sometimes additional measurements like arm length or leg length. These parameters help determine the appropriate size within each category. 

Step 4: Measure Your Body

Accurate measurements of your body are essential for choosing the right BJJ GI size. Use a measuring tape to measure your height, arm, and leg length. If weight is required, a simple bathroom scale will do just fine.

Step 5: Compare Your Measurements

Compare your measurements to the size chart to identify the size category that aligns with your measurements. Look for the size range that includes your height and weight to narrow down your options.

Consider Shrinkage and Fit Preference

Keep in mind that some BJJ GIs may shrink slightly after washing. Check if the size chart provides information on potential shrinkage and adjust your selection accordingly. If in doubt, it is often recommended to choose a slightly larger size to accommodate for potential shrinkage. To avoid shrinkage, always wash your Gi in cold water, and hang dry.

Secondly, Consider your personal fit preferences and style of play when interpreting the size chart. Some practitioners prefer a more tailored fit, while others prefer a looser fit. Take into account the recommended measurements for each size category and how they align with your desired fit.

Seek Guidance If You're Between Sizes

Hands Typing

If your measurements fall between two sizes or if you are unsure about which size to choose, it is advisable to seek guidance from the Gi manufacturer. Navigating the to footer of their website should display a “contact us” or “support” link you can follow to submit any questions you might have. If help is unavailable, it is usually recommended to go one size up, as you can use warm water so slowly shrink a gi. 

By following these steps and carefully analyzing the BJJ GI size chart, you can make an informed decision and select a gi that provides a comfortable fit, unrestricted movement, and optimal performance during your training and competitions. Remember that proper sizing contributes to both your comfort and safety on the mat.

The Martial Source

Why do I want my gi to fit properly?

Performance and Comfort

Proper sizing of a BJJ GI is crucial for optimal performance and comfort during training and competition. Here’s why:

1.) It Avoids Restriction Of Movement

An ill-fitting GI can restrict your range of motion, hindering your ability to execute techniques effectively. It may limit your mobility, making it harder to perform sweeps, submissions, and escapes with precision.

2.) You give your opponent extra control

If the sleeves or pant legs of your GI are too long or baggy, your opponent may have an advantage in gripping and controlling your movements. This can significantly impact your ability to defend against attacks and guard passes, or execute your own techniques.

3.) Discomfort and Distractions

Wearing a GI that doesn’t fit properly can cause discomfort and distractions during training. Excess fabric may lead to chafing or obstruct your vision, while a GI that is too tight can restrict breathing and unnecessarily increase body temperature, which makes it it challenging to focus and can impact performance.

Safety Concerns and Avoiding Accidents

Hand Injury and Care

Properly sized BJJ GIs play a vital role in maintaining a safe training environment. An oversized GI can increase the risk of finger and limb entanglement, leading to potential injuries. On the other hand, a gi that is too tight can restrict freedom of movement, providing a distinct disadvantage.  

Competition Rules Regulating Fit

In addition to the performance and safety aspects, it’s essential to consider the rules and regulations governing BJJ competitions. Various governing bodies, such as the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF), have specific guidelines on GI measurements and fitting. Understanding these rules will help ensure compliance and avoid disqualification from competitions.

Selecting the right size for your BJJ GI is paramount for optimal performance, comfort, and safety. A well-fitted GI allows for freedom of movement and minimizes the risk of injuries during training and competition. 

BJJF Gi Regulations

How Do I Pick The Right BJJ Gi?

Use the manufacturer provided sizing chart

When selecting a BJJ GI, it is crucial to refer to the brand’s sizing chart rather than relying solely on your regular clothing size. Each brand may have its own specific sizing guidelines, so it’s important to take accurate measurements and compare them to the size chart provided.

There are so many fabrics, which do I choose?

BJJ GIs come in various fabric options, each with its own advantages and considerations. Understanding these fabric options can help you choose the right GI for your needs. Here are some common fabric options and their characteristics:

1.) Pearl Weave

This is a popular fabric choice known for its durability and breathability. It offers a balance between lightweight and heavyweight GIs and is suitable for both training and competition. However, it may shrink slightly after washing.

2.) Single Weave

Single weave GIs are lightweight and less expensive compared to other options. They are suitable for beginners or practitioners who prefer a lighter GI. However, they may not be as durable as other fabric options.

3.) Gold Weave

Gold weave GIs are a hybrid of pearl and single weaves, providing a balance between durability and lightness. They offer a comfortable fit and are a popular choice among intermediate to advanced practitioners.

4.) Rip Stop

Ripstop fabric is lightweight, breathable, and quick-drying. It is often used in the construction of GI pants, providing enhanced flexibility and preventing tearing. However, some practitioners may find it less comfortable or prone to snags.

By considering the pros and cons of different fabric options, you can choose a BJJ GI that suits your preferences in terms of comfort, durability, and performance.

In conclusion, choosing the right BJJ GI involves careful consideration of factors such as body measurements, brand-specific size charts, and personal preferences. By using the provided sizing charts and understanding the advantages and considerations of different fabric options, you can make an informed decision and find a BJJ GI that fits well, enhances your performance, and provides maximum comfort during training and competitions. 


Recap of the importance of choosing the right Gi Size

Selecting the right BJJ GI size is crucial for practitioners of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. A well-fitted GI enhances mobility, provides comfort during training, and allows for optimal performance on the mat. It ensures that the GI doesn’t hinder movements and minimizes the risk of accidental injuries caused by a loose or ill-fitting uniform. Choosing the right size plays a significant role in the overall training experience and enjoyment in training jiu jitsu.

Use the Size charts!

To find the perfect BJJ GI size, it is highly recommended to refer to the size charts provided by manufacturers. These charts take into account various body measurements such as height, weight, and sometimes even arm and leg length. By carefully measuring yourself and comparing the measurements with the size chart, you can make an informed decision and select the size that best suits your body type. Remember, every brand may have slight variations in sizing, so relying on size charts is essential for a comfortable and effective training experience.

Don’t compromise on the fit of your BJJ GI. It is worth investing time and effort in finding the right size that aligns with your body measurements and preferences. By using the size charts and taking accurate measurements, you can ensure a proper fit that allows you to focus on your technique and enjoy the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to its fullest. So, trust the size charts, measure yourself accurately, and step onto the mat with confidence in your perfectly fitted BJJ Gi.

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